Cross-Cultural Learning & Development

Impact from the intervention

We offer interactive and transformational learning experiences. All sessions and workshops are tailored to the client’s needs, both in content and setup. Coaching and follow-up sessions ensure the development of critical skills through the learning process. Your learning journey with us can take place online, face-to-face, or in blended formats. Country-specific expertise is available. Consider what kind of impact you would like – is it merely inspirational, or do you wish to see some change and transformation? If the latter, then we can offer on-point interventions.


Some Learning & Development Solutions:

Cultural Intelligence

Being culturally aware and able to deal with cultural differences productively and inclusively, are business essentials when working across cultures.

Cross-Cultural Teamwork

This training solution focuses on communication and cooperation in the multicultural team—the factors needed for harnessing differences and co-creating new practices.

Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging

Diversity is a fact; inclusion is the action to make every one count equally. Belonging is the feeling we want to achieve based on psychological safety and trust. How can we mitigate bias and create a safe and productive environment? The answers are provided here.

Inclusive Leadership

Modern leadership is human-centered, empathetic, and inclusive. Here, we test and develop our fundamental social skills and learn what it takes to be an inclusive leader, mitigating harmful bias and creating an environment with equal opportunities for all.

Trade Across Cultures

When you have suppliers or clients in another market or plan to enter a new one, knowing the culture is a dealbreaker—market-specific or generic focus.

Cultural Transformation

Changing culture is a team effort that starts with a common understanding of our different perspectives and common goals. Values need to be translated into action, and the Culture Helix© underpins the process.

Leading Culturally Diverse (Remote) Teams

This is a session that is part of the Global Leadership Program, where the focus is on leading, inspiring, and building trust in the diverse and remote team.

From Friction to Innovation

The multicultural team’s diverse pool of perspectives and experiences is a true asset. The essential part is to co-create new innovative solutions. This module will give you practical tools and insights to accelerate innovation. 


Conflict resolution

Conflicts as such aren’t necessarily bad. They can be great for innovation and to build relationships, but they need to be resolved. The best time to resolve a conflict is early, so it’s necessary to know how to deal with it and have a plan/policy ready. When different cultures are involved, the process becomes more delicate.

Our Programs


Global Leadership in the Digital Age


CAP - Cultural Agility Program


Global Mobility Academy

Contact us for a free consultation.

If I had received cultural training in my 20 years of global career, I would have been more aware of myself, the other culture and be more efficient in turning national differences into equality. People are even today left to figure it out by themselves, making mistakes, creating misunderstandings and mistrust. Problems then need to be fixed, which costs time and might affect the bottom line of any company in a certain country, or not getting that deal.

Research has shown that a lot of mergers fail because of cultural differences (corporate or national).  I have lived the consequences of that while managing some joint ventures in Eastern Europe, sometimes a truly disheartening experience for all involved. Cultural awareness needs to be on the agenda of any company doing business outside its home market!

A testimony of the importance of cross-cultural training